The Culture and Promotion Center
Pl. J.Pilsudskiego 1
32-091 Michalowice
Tel.: +48 12 388-50-71
Fax: +48 12 388-50-35

The Culture and Promotion center plays an important role in the cultural life of the community of Michałowice. It is located close to the school complex in Michałowice and just behind the council administration building.

This institution provides support for citizens in matters of administration cases and is moreover a source of information about cultural and social activities. Its main tasks include the organisation of activities, like art contests, sports events or exhibitions. Special activities, like first aid education, is also one of the fields it is active in, as well as in the organisation of celebrations and festivities. The cooperation with other institutions and clubs, like the local music or sport clubs, assures the involvement of a high number of citizens.

The council magazine published on a two-months basis, has also been initiated and realised by C&P Center .